Spiritual alchemist, mystic, spiritual teacher, founder of the NewAlchemy Self-Development Method and NewAlchemy Academy. At the age of 24, she had an out-of-body experience and since then she has been able to receive information from the transcendental plane. She spent ten years studying as a member of a Hindu mission and has been an initiate of Western mysticism for fifteen years. She is the author of the book Introduction to Vedic Alchemy. Over the past eleven years, she has taught and guided thousands of people through the process of sorting out their lives and spiritual worlds as well as developing their mystical abilities.
“I will introduce you to the world of spiritual alchemy – the knowledge that for thousands of years has enabled famous artists, scientists and thinkers to achieve outstanding abilities, extraordinary creativity and success.
Over the years I have opened this way to thousands of people and watched their minds open, their limitations lifted, their souls and bodies healed, and their radiance revealed.”

What is NewAlchemy?
Some of the alchemists of the past millennia have possessed a knowledge that made the phenomena of the world almost transparent to them, providing them with a distinct depth of understanding of life and the limitless potential of the human being.
NewAlchemy is a modern version of thousands of years of spiritual alchemy, revealing the treasured knowledge of alchemists and making it a system of self-knowledge that combines practical knowledge with mysticism, applicable to the everyday life of people today. The academy run by Aletheia has taught thousands of people over the past 11 years. During its trainings, participants are given special knowledge and tools to improve key areas of human life, such as their creativity in the world of matter and their roles in work and private life. NewAlchemy is a complete system of personal development and offers unique exercises, which, when applied, will radically raise practitioners to new levels of energy. Its techniques can be used to resolve emotional turmoil, past traumas, release personal karma and heal relationships. At advanced levels, training and practices are made available to unfold one's mystical abilities, such as accessing higher planes of consciousness, building the Solar Body, connecting to transcendent resources, self-healing, rejuvenation and mastery of Prana.
With the help of spiritual alchemy’s special insight into the world and mystical practices, famous artists, scientists and thinkers, such as Giordano Bruno, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante and Goethe achieved great powers.
NewAlchemy is the 21st-century heir to this spiritual tradition.

In our training, participants receive special knowledge and a special toolkit that will enable them to reach a whole new level of energy and rebirth in physical, mental and spiritual harmony.
For many, the word ‘alchemy’ means making gold, but there have always been two branches of alchemy…

One branch of alchemy is indeed the forerunner of modern chemistry. But in spiritual alchemy, chemical processes serve as symbols to describe the transformation and evolution of the human psyche.
The aim of spiritual alchemy is to ennoble the consciousness of the human being, to produce spiritual gold. In this mysterious tradition, thousands of years old, the making of gold has always been a coded formulation, which in fact contains secret knowledge and techniques to help man undergo miraculous transformations in body, mind and spirit.

In our courses, you will learn a modern version of spiritual alchemy that reveals the thousands of years of knowledge belonging to the alchemists and makes the content of the tradition preserved in symbols and cryptic descriptions understandable to the modern man as well as applicable in everyday life.
Since 2012, thousands of people have unleashed their inner power through our training, unlocked their hidden potential and progressed on the path of ennobling their consciousness – turning it into spiritual gold.
Learn and practise at your own pace, online and live, starting immediately.

What distinguishes our method and our school from other esoteric movements:
- We have put a lot of energy into bringing material to the table that is uniquely penetrating to the depths of things
- Our goal is to bring you forward with crystal clear concepts and on a well-constructed path, rather than obfuscating and regurgitating platitudes
- We build on Eastern and Western traditions, but have ruthlessly corrected or omitted all superstitious or blind faith-based elements
- We have built a system that does not drive a wedge, but finally bridges the gap between your everyday life and your spiritual journey
- With us, your path to mystical experiences is through rationality, and we do not break down your personality on the road – in fact, you will be surprised how much it can be strengthened
How much knowledge has our school accumulated for the spiritual path?
It is currently 16,000 pages in notes. If printed out on A4 sheets, laid side by side, our spiritual journey would cover nearly 8 kilometres. 😊

We welcome you to our training courses, where you can experience the joy of all these…
- Your inner strength will be born to draw a shield around you. – That makes the negativity of others glance off you.
- You will become friends with yourself. – Inner peace is born and the world seems a friendlier place.
- You will be free of a lot of your inner tension. – You can finally get off the ghost train, which means you no longer scare yourself with your own thoughts.
- This will suddenly remove the tangles in your relationships and make you more peaceful with others and yourself.
- Your thoughts will be calmed and cleared. – You become more persistent.
- Meditation or other spiritual practices will become free and easy floating instead of a strenous effort.
- You will be able to work in a better mood, create and come up with more original ideas.

Education which is not about filling a vessel, but kindling a flame.
This is the ars poetica of NewAlchemy. In our training courses, we do not seek to saturate the audience with information, but to engage them in a practice that will help them awaken their own physical, mental and spiritual resources. Fire has been a symbol of this inner strength in the spiritual traditions of East and West for thousands of years.
Take a peek into the life of our Academy
If you are one of those who have realised you were born with wings
and now want to fly…

If you haven’t already given up on freeing yourself,
You feel it’s time to show a big STOP sign to the negative forces,
You think you’ve suffered enough, and now something better could come…
Then you are welcome to our training courses where you can
experience the joy of all these…
- Your inner strength will be born to provide a shield around you – That makes the negativity of others bounce off you.
- You will become friends with yourself – Inner peace is born and the world seems a friendlier place.
- You will be free of a lot of your inner tension – You can finally get off the ghost train, which means you no longer scare yourself with your own thoughts.
- As a result, suddenly, the tangles in your relationships will be removed, and you will become more peaceful with others and yourself.
- Your thoughts will be calmed and cleared – You become more persistent.
- Meditation or other spiritual practices will become free and easy floating instead of a strenous effort.
- You will be able to work in a better mood, create and come up with more original ideas.