
Aletheia’s forthcoming new series of books, to be published in English, will explore the full theory, practice and mystical techniques of spiritual alchemy, while making this knowledge accessible internationally.

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Introduction to the Vedic Alchemy, 20216

Introduction to the Vedic Alchemy

Published 2016

Coverage 292 pages
Character: hardback, with colour pictures

Available in Libri and Líra bookshops, but the entire stock is sold out.
Collectors, antiquarian bookshops, bookshops, bookshops, bookshops, bookshops, antiquarian bookshops a few items occasionally turn up.

Several people have asked, so we’ll tell you, we no longer plan to reprint it, because we’re concentrating on our new book.

I’ll read it:

The archaic texts of the Vedas are considered the oldest source of alchemical teachings. This has remained unexplored until today because their difficult-to-understand philosophy is now best understood through orthodox or religious interpretations that do not convey the alchemical message of these texts.

Those who are able to decipher the cryptic texts of the Vedas and apply the knowledge they contain will both regain their original divine consciousness – the ultimate goal of alchemy – and receive a kind of instruction manual for the material world.

This series of books unravels the code of the Vedas and puts its alchemical essence into practice for the man of today, free of religious and mythical colouring. With its help, the goal of alchemy can be realized in the present-day context, the transmutation of man, the ennoblement of his consciousness into gold.

Whatever you may have thought of yourself, you become an alchemist from the moment you set yourself the goal of dispelling the clouds of consciousness so that you may shine forth as the Transmah. This book is just the beginning. It opens a crack in an invisible wall. If you peer inside, you will see that beyond is an infinitely vast space.

I heartily recommend to all those who seek knowledge and thirst for experience this rich, niche book, which reveals spiritual content of unprecedented depth and ease. It adds to the range of works that serve as a basis for the actual re-creation and social practice of a transcendent approach to the world and life. The reader takes a serious risk when he picks up this book, for his self-image and his worldview will be irreversibly changed.”

Chong An Sunim, Zen Monk, Abbot of the Temple of Original Light

“The reader holds a value in his hands, and by the time he has finished the book, he will feel a strong urge, a longing to immediately get the sequel, or at least to learn from the author. Melinda is an excellent speaker, a great writer. A hitherto unknown, yet familiar order unfolds along a comprehensive cultural-historical overview. Indeed: without systems and methods, most people feel like victims of life. The first volume of the Life Sutra is more than an introduction: it is a guide out of the realm of inertia.”

Judit Barkó, Communication Mentor

“This book, while offering the ancient path of the Vedas, tailors it to the rhythm of today’s steps. It rediscovers a landscape untouched for thousands of years, reveals its treasures, utters its magic words. It gives hope that the fabulous aurum potabile exists, transmuting the lead accumulated in our souls into gold. All of us who believe and trust in change wish from the bottom of our hearts that it will be so.”

Péter Rákos, writer, astrologer

“The Life Sutra is a timeless, comprehensive system based on ancient knowledge, which is still relevant for today’s people. I like the order it presents in the structure and functioning of the world. There are no white spots, no gaps. It is like a counterpoint to an external reality that seems chaotic and hostile: transparent, consistent and friendly. It reinforces our inner certainty that life is not suffering and revives our misplaced confidence that it is worthwhile and possible to work for happiness and wholeness. I warmly recommend this book to all seekers.”

Anna Acél, television presenter