Aletheia, founder
Spiritual alchemist, mystic, medium, spiritual teacher, founder of the NewAlchemy Self-Development Method and NewAlchemy Academy. At the age of 24, she had an out-of-body experience, which gave her a special ability – the ability to receive information from the transcendental plane. She spent the first 10 years of her spiritual journey in a Hindu mission where she practised Vedic philosophy and meditation, and also taught after her ordination as a priest. She played an active role in the revival of esotericism in Hungary. As a publisher, she published nearly 200 books on spiritual subjects. She is the author of the book Introduction to Vedic Alchemy. Since 2008 she has been a practitioner and initiate of Western mysticism and alchemy. In 2012, she developed a complete self-awareness system based on spiritual alchemy called NewAlchemy in Hungary, which has become a movement over the past 11 years. Thousands of people are attending her trainings, listening to her lectures and applying her practical methods. Aletheia is a regular on TV and radio shows, YouTube channels and festivals. Her forthcoming book series, which will be published in English, will explore the full theory, practice and mystical techniques of spiritual alchemy
As an alchemical initiate, my name is Aletheia, but how did I get there?

23 years ago, in my spiritual awakening, I experienced the liberation of consciousness from the body.
Then I experienced a dimension of reality where I encountered the calmness of limitless power, unlimited knowledge, happiness, love and immortality.
What is this phenomenon? Where does it come from? How can it be amplified, better experienced? These were the questions that preoccupied me, so turning my life around, I decided to devote all my time to a deeper knowledge and practice of the spiritual, metaphysical tradition. Not only did I receive answers, but also found the key that opened the door to another dimension of reality.

I had a taste of transcendent consciousness beyond matter, while not feeling overwhelmed by but finding harmony in everyday life.
This experience showed me the limitless power and untapped potential of human consciousness.
Since then, I have felt a deep commitment to share this experience, and I have been working to build a path to awaken consciousness without denying life or who we are.

How I came to have this knowledge
In 1998, at the age of 24, I was not particularly interested in esotericism, but something happened to me that completely shattered my worldview and my life. Through an acquaintance I attended a public event on esoteric subjects, where, without any warning, I entered a state of trance in which I began to see, hear and experience another dimension of reality.
Through this experience I gained special abilities.
It was a mystical perception, through which philosophies and sacred texts – never read, not even known to me – appeared in my mind.
In intense visions, I had personal contact with spiritual teachers and became increasingly certain that I had access to what I had learned in previous lives. I began to sense the thoughts, emotional and health conditions of the people who came to me, and soon found myself drawn into the world of mediums and spiritual healers.

Hindu initiations
With these sudden gifts I began to research spiritual traditions and in the 10 years that followed, I had the life-changing experience of being a personal disciple and member of the inner circle of a Hindu Guru, a living legend around the world.
I received invaluable knowledge, serious training and ordination in 2002. I visited many ashrams around the world, studying and practicing various branches of meditation, mantra, yoga, bhakti, tantra.

I played an active role in the revival of esotericism in my country.
I taught Vedic philosophy and yoga.
I co-founded and ran Mandala-Veda Publishing House, publishing over 200 spiritual books during these years.
I wrote articles and had my own columns in Elixir magazine for 6 years, which let me gain insight into many spiritual methods and trends.
I gave many talks at festivals and on various TV shows.
In 2016 my book Introduction to Vedic Alchemy was published.

But how did I become a researcher and lover of alchemy?
At a certain point I had to admit that the Eastern ways of self-realisation I had been practising were only scratching the surface, eventually making my personal development stalled. So I started a new search.
In 2012 I went to Portugal where I encountered the Hermetic and alchemical tradition. This opened a new dimension for me and provided the answers I had been missing in Vedic philosophy.

To many, alchemists are a laughing bunch of weirdos who waste their whole lives in a futile attempt to turn worthless metals into gold, but never succeed. Whoever thinks so, can be right, because there have been alchemists like that. I can honestly say that I have never been interested in chemistry, nor fascinated by gold, and alchemy itself seemed like a vague, whimsical passé, until I discovered the astonishing world of spiritual alchemy in Portugal in 2012.
For there have always been two levels of alchemy. In one, the uninitiated, taking the chemical descriptions literally, experimented with the transformation of metals at the physical level. However, for the initiates of alchemy, the making of gold served as an effective cover for practising a millennia-old metaphysical tradition that had been alive since antiquity but could only flourish in strictly secret schools.
In spiritual alchemy, chemical processes serve as symbols to describe the transformation and evolution of the human psyche. The aim is to ennoble the consciousness of the human being, to produce spiritual gold.

I was fascinated by spiritual alchemy, whose initiations opened up ever greater depths for me.
It was a wonderful encounter of the esoteric and mystical traditions of East and West. I felt the inner urge to develop a modern methodology of this tradition, applicable to the modern man, with the help of which consciousness can be ennobled, that is, turned into spiritual gold.
Education that is not about filling a vessel, but kindling a flame
This became the motto of the Academy I founded in 2012 and built with my husband, Norbert Nagy.
We have created a modern version of spiritual alchemy that reveals the secret knowledge of the alchemists, thousands of years old, and makes this tradition preserved in symbols and cryptic descriptions, understandable to the modern man and applicable in everyday life.

Over the past 10 years, we have developed our own self-awareness system and complex curriculum. I have delivered nearly 100 workshops and 900 lectures. We have taught more than 3,000 people and organised numerous events, trips, retreats and mystical programmes.
We have created an academy with courses open to everyone. Learning with us, one can walk the spiritual path and unfold one’s life in harmony by progressing in the various main areas of human life.
In addition to our education open to the public, we have also created an Inner School…
It is a place for the dedicated, active and contributing members, interested in mystical teachings, initiations, mysteries and who wish to do intensive self-work and become our personal disciples.
What I am most proud of is that we have built a great spiritual community, where we prove that there still exists meaningful spirituality and that we can reach farther by helping and supporting each other.

What distinguishes our Academy from other esoteric schools?
Seeing the chaos that has taken over esotericism, we decided to put most of our energy into helping those who come to us to sort out the basic questions of spirituality.
Over the past 10 years, thousands of my students have reported back that they have finally come to grips with previously nebulous concepts, and this has unleashed an extraordinary power in their minds. This alone has lifted many out of the doldrums and propelled them forward.
For us, the path to mystical experiences leads through rationality.
We take you forward with crystal clear concepts and on a well-constructed path, rather than offering platitudes and obfuscation.
We do not break down your personality – in fact, you’ll be surprised how much it can be strengthened.
We put a lot of energy into honing our practices so that they lead to visceral insights about your life.